The Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is applied consistently to all students, whether they are receiving Title IV Funds or not. Satisfactory Academic Progress is measured in two ways:
- Qualitatively: The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is reviewed to ensure that the student is meeting a minimum 2.0 (78.0% – C) average at the conclusion of each evaluation period.
- Quantitatively: The student must attend at least 85% of the scheduled clock hours cumulatively for each evaluation period, enabling completion within the maximum time frame of the program.
A student must be meeting these standards to be considered meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress and in ‘Good Standing.’ Any student who has not achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (78.0%) or who has not successfully achieved a cumulative rate of attendance of at least 85% at each required evaluation period is not considered in ‘Good Standing’ and is subject to the consequences outlined in this policy.
Maximum Time Frame
Students must complete their program within 150% of the normal program length. This length of time is considered the Maximum Time Frame. Students who have attempted over 150% of the total program clock hours and not met the graduation requirements, will be withdrawn from the program.
Evaluation Periods
Students will receive a grade report at the end of each course which includes their final grade and attendance for the course completed, as well as the cumulative GPA and cumulative attendance percentage for all courses completed within the program. Formal evaluations will occur at the end of each semester, and, if needed, at the Maximum Time Frame based on scheduled hours. Consistent with SAP measurements, the evaluations will assess each student’s progress against the qualitative and quantitative standards previously identified.
Evaluation Table
The table below shows the total expected number of clock hours scheduled to be completed at each evaluation point:
Program Name | Program Clock Hours | Evaluation 1*(End of Semester I) | Evaluation 2*(End of Semester II) | Evaluation 3*(End of Semester III) | Maximum Time Frame* |
Practical Nursing | 1130 hours /45 weeks | 352 hours /15 weeks | 734 hours /30 weeks | 1130 hours /45 weeks | 1695 Hours /67.5 weeks |
LPN to RN Bridge | 900 hours / 45 weeks | 317 hours / 15 weeks | 644 hours / 30 weeks | 900 hours / 45 weeks | 1350 Hours / 67.5 weeks |
* All evaluation points are based on scheduled hours, which are the hours that the student should have completed based on his/her class schedule.
Maximum Time Frame Table
The table below shows the minimum number of actual clock hours that the student must complete to remain in good standing and complete their program within the Maximum Time Frame.
Program Name | Program Clock Hours | Evaluation 1(End of Semester I) | Evaluation 2(End of Semester II) | Evaluation 3(End of semester III) | Maximum Time Frame* |
Practical Nursing | 1130 hours | 299.2 hours (85% of 352) | 623.9 hours (85% of 734) | 960.5 hours (85% of 1130) | 1130 Hours (100% of 1130) |
LPN to RN Bridge | 900 hours | 269.5 hours (85% of 317) | 547.4 hours (85% of 644) | 765 hours (85% of 900) | 900 Hours (100% of 900) |
Warning Period
If a student fails to meet the cumulative 85% attendance, and/or the cumulative 2.0 (78.0%) grade average for any evaluation period, he or she will be placed on ‘Warning’ for the next evaluation period.
Students will be notified in writing when placed on ‘Warning.’ The notification will include the steps necessary to be removed from the ‘Warning’ status. In addition, students will receive attendance and academic advising from the Program Administrator. During this time, an academic improvement plan will be created to assist the student in achieving ‘Good Standing’ by the end of the ‘Warning’ period. If the student achieves ‘Good Standing’ by the end of the ‘Warning’ period, he or she will be removed from ‘Warning’ status.
If the student fails to achieve ‘Good Standing’ and meet satisfactory academic progress requirements at the end of the ‘Warning’ period, the student will be terminated from the Academia Medical Institute. The institution will notify the student in writing if he or she is being terminated for unsatisfactory academic progress. The student has the option to appeal termination by following the appeal process.
Appeal Process
The student may submit a written appeal of his/her termination within five calendar days of their receipt of the notice of termination. The appeal must be accompanied by documentation of mitigating circumstances that have prevented the student from obtaining ‘Good Standing’ and evidence that changes have occurred to allow the student to now meet standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Only extraordinary circumstances will be considered, such as, but not limited to, death or severe illness in the immediate family. Supporting documentation such as a physician’s statement, accident report, or other statements must be included as part of the appeal.
The Executive Director will assess all appeals and determine whether the student may be permitted to continue in the school on a ‘Probationary’ status despite not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. The student will be sent a written decision within ten days of the receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Executive Director is final.
In cases where an appeal is accepted, the student is placed on ‘Probation’ status through the next evaluation period. During this time, an academic improvement plan will be created to assist the student in achieving ‘Good Standing’ by the end of the ‘Probation’ period.
Probation Period
If a student fails to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards at the end of the ‘Warning’ period, and successfully appeals the termination, he or she will be placed on ‘Probation’ status.
Students will be notified in writing when placed on ‘Probation’. The notification will include the steps necessary to be removed from ‘Probation’ status. In addition, students will receive attendance and academic advice from the Program Administrator. During this time, an academic improvement plan will be created to assist the student in achieving ‘Good Standing’ by the end of the ‘Probation’ period.
At the end of the evaluation period, and then at the end of every evaluation period thereafter, the student’s academic status will be reviewed. If the student fails to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements at the end of the ‘Probation’ period, the student will be terminated from the school.